Odoo, your open source application to grow your business

2 min read Aug 21 2018
1365 1

Used by over 3.000.000 users, Odoo is the most installed business software in the world. Odoo, the fully licensed free software, is an integrated open source platform with highly customizable modules. It is loaded with all the features of traditional ERP which is used at different departments and levels by the small and medium-sized companies.

Odoo your open source ERP application to grow your business
Odoo your open source ERP application to grow your business

Grow your business with Odoo

Odoo has witnessed a significant growth in the past few years, and the number of users continues to grow. More and more updates, usability improvements and features are introduced with every new release. Businesses that aspire to grow and expand need software that comes with thousands of modules and value-added services.

As a company starts to grow, business complexities also arise, and with strong business software in place, the new demands can be met effectively. Instead of worrying about new introductory systems and processes, the management can focus on other crucial aspects of the business like sales. They need not worry about manpower burnout during the transition phase, thanks to the power management tools which automates massive business management.

It is quite true that Odoo has more features than any enterprise resource planning software!

More Reasons why Odoo is being mostly chosen for business platform

  • This is a business suite comprising thousands of applications each for specific department likes sales, manufacturing industries, accounting, logistics management, real estate and construction to name a few.
  • Odoo ERP automates and manages processes across multiple departments. As the information is stored in a single database there is no need for integration of several stand-alone solutions. With the ability and functionality to manage these processes from within one system, businesses can save a lot of money and time spent on hiring and training additional staff.
  • Integration with multiple sales channels is necessary for a business that is expanding. Odoo makes this possible. With Odoo ERP, new sales channel can be added and the related tools and applications can be easily integrated into your current system. When the inventory and sales data is synced and operates across all sales channels, you work gets done efficiently and quickly.
  • Odoo is designed in such a way that it allows businesses to scale. It comes with different functionalities that can either be installed right away or added in the future. Businesses that are expanding or starting new stores at various locations can easily manage different processes with advanced functionalities. This solution facilitates management and control over warehouse transfers, stock control, cost tracking and much more.

At Systems Valley, we understand the specific needs and requirements of businesses and implement and customize Odoo ERP solutions. We also ensure additional support and services so you can get the best out of Odoo.

Start growing your business with Odoo.

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