7 Compelling business benefits of DevOps

3 min read Jan 04 2019
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It is widely known that Agile and DevOps play an important role in effective and successful business transformation. The benefits of DevOps can help invigorate your business as it is a concept proven to save time and money for organizations. Without a doubt, embracing DevOps can help businesses cut costs, increase revenues, and become more competitive. Following are a few business benefits of DevOps.

7 Compelling business benefits of DevOps
7 Compelling business benefits of DevOps

Cost Savings

Cost savings is by far the top reason why you should implement DevOps. For several organizations, DevOps acts as a catalyst to promote continuous innovation. Businesses are able to reach new potentials, attract new clients by continuously innovating. Companies can introduce frequent and incremental features and services, regularly and securely, in less amount of time. This allows great time and money savings. When compared to traditional IT software model, it reduces the waiting time.

Employee Recruitment and Retention

A lot of organizations face employee recruitment and retention challenges which impede the business growth. Deployment of DevOps has witnessed a positive impact on employee recruitment and retention. This is very crucial especially when there is a dire need for highly skilled developers and IT professionals. However, with traditional ways, it consumes a lot of time, money and effort to hire and retain a person. If companies can reduce the time taken to hire new employees, they can cut significant costs. Results from the latest CA Technologies global study showed a 30 percent lead in employee recruitment and retention for firms that used agile and DevOps together.

Customer Experience

Happy employees result in happy customers, this is a true saying. The results of the survey show that 74 percent of those surveyed said that adopting DevOps had improved their customer experience. DevOps could significantly increase the customer experience and for the organizations, happy customers suggest improved customer loyalty, high revenues and profits, and shorter sales cycles. Every business understands the importance of investing in improving the customer experience but if they don’t invest in the right concept it is not worthwhile. Make a wise choice and invest in DevOps for improved customer experience.

devops benifits
devops benifits

Employee Productivity

IT teams are always under pressure to do more with less time. The automation tools in the DevOps approaches enable various teams within the organizations to get more work done, thus resulting in employee productivity. In the survey done by CA Technologies, respondents said their companies witnessed 43% improvement in employee productivity after adopting DevOps. By getting a lot of work done by existing employees, companies can focus on innovation and attract new clients.

Company Valuation

With all the above improvements, the overall value of your firm starts to increase. It goes without saying that, implementing DevOps in your organization can dramatically increase the value of your firm and you can increase the price tag of your services/products. Effective implementation of DevOp approaches is sure to reduce risk, increase performance and transparency and improves security.

Improvement in the defect rate

Usually, the quality of an application is determined by calculating the number of defects in the app. With fewer defects, the app ensures improved customer experience. By adopting DevOps, the defect rate can be monitored and improved. If the app has fewer defects, the developers and team can work on new projects. The results of the CA Technologies study suggests that organizations adopting DevOps approaches resulted in a 41% improvement in their defect rate.

Business Growth

Improved employee productivity, revenue increases, and continuous innovation pave the way for new business growth. The staff of your organization can focus on new revenue-generating projects which result in business transformation.

All these reasons justify why every business needs to deploy DevOps. DevOps gives developers the opportunity to work more closely with operations, stakeholders and other teams. In short, it enables the organization to achieve the best.

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